什么是剪枝模型剪枝(Model Pruning)是一种通过减少神经网络模型中的冗余参数和连接来优化模型的方法。它旨在减小模型的大小、内存占用和计算复杂度,同时尽可能地保持模型的性能。
模型剪枝的基本思想是通过识别和删除对模型性能影响较小的参数或连接,以达到模型精简和优化的目的。方法包括剪枝后的参数微调、重新训练和微调整体网络结构等。直观的理解就是像下图这样。 模型剪枝可以在不显著损失模型性能的情况下,大幅度减少模型的参数量和计算量,从而提高模型的部署效率和推理速度。它特别适用于嵌入式设备、移动设备和边缘计算等资源受限的场景,以及需要部署在较小存储空间或带宽受限环境中的应用。本文选择的模型剪枝方法:Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming源代码:https://github.com/foolwood/pytorch-slimming这个方法基于的想法是通过稀疏化训练,通过BN层的参数,自动得到权重较小通道,去掉这些通道,从而达到模型裁剪的目的。
稀疏化训练如上文述,为了达到剪枝的目的,我们要使用稀疏化训练,以使得让模型权重更紧凑,能够去掉一些权重较小的通道,达到模型裁剪的目的。为了进行稀疏化训练,引入一个稀疏化稀疏参数,这个参数越大,模型越稀疏,能够裁剪的比例越大,需要在实际中调整,参数过大,模型性能可能会下降较多,参数过小,能够裁剪的比例又会过小。 为了进行稀疏化训练,首先汇总模型的所有BN层:
if opt.sl > 0: print("Sparse Learning Model!") print("===> Sparse learning rate is ", hyp["sl"]) prunable_modules = [] prunable_module_type = (nn.BatchNorm2d, ) for i, m in enumerate(model.modules()): if isinstance(m, prunable_module_type): prunable_modules.append(m)
def compute_pruning_loss(p, prunable_modules, model, loss): """ Compute the pruning loss :param p: predicted output :param prunable_modules: list of prunable modules :param model: model :param loss: original yolo loss :return: loss """ float_tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if p[0].is_cuda else torch.Tensor sl_loss = float_tensor([0]) hyp = model.hyp # hyperparameters red = "mean" # Loss reduction (sum or mean) if prunable_modules is not None: for m in prunable_modules: sl_loss += m.weight.norm(1) sl_loss /= len(prunable_modules) sl_loss *= hyp["sl"] bs = p[0].shape[0] # batch size loss += sl_loss * bs return loss
# Forward with amp.autocast(enabled=cuda): pred = model(imgs) # forward loss, loss_items = compute_loss(pred, targets.to(device), model) # loss scaled by batch_size # Sparse Learning if opt.sl > 0: loss = compute_pruning_loss(pred, prunable_modules, model, loss) if rank != -1: loss *= opt.world_size # gradient averaged between devices in DDP mode
#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Copyright (c) 2019 luozw, Inc. All Rights ReservedAuthors: luozhiwang(luozw1994@outlook.com)Date: 2020/9/7"""import osimport argparseimport numpy as npimport torchimport torch.nn as nnimport torch_pruning as tpimport copyimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom models.yolo import Modelimport mathdef load_model(cfg="models/mobile-yolo5l_voc.yaml", weights="./outputs/mvoc/weights/best_mvoc.pt"): restor_num = 0 ommit_num = 0 model = Model(cfg).to(device) ckpt = torch.load(weights, map_location=device) # load checkpoint names = ckpt["model"].names dic = {} for k, v in ckpt["model"].float().state_dict().items(): if k in model.state_dict() and model.state_dict()[k].shape == v.shape: dic[k] = v restor_num += 1 else: ommit_num += 1 print("Build model from", cfg) print("Resotre weight from", weights) print("Restore %d vars, ommit %d vars" % (restor_num, ommit_num)) ckpt["model"] = dic model.load_state_dict(ckpt["model"], strict=False) del ckpt model.float() model.model[-1].export = True return model, namesdef bn_analyze(prunable_modules, save_path=None): bn_val = [] max_val = [] for layer_to_prune in prunable_modules: # select a layer weight = layer_to_prune.weight.data.detach().cpu().numpy() max_val.append(max(weight)) bn_val.extend(weight) bn_val = np.abs(bn_val) max_val = np.abs(max_val) bn_val = sorted(bn_val) max_val = sorted(max_val) plt.hist(bn_val, bins=101, align="mid", log=True, range=(0, 1.0)) if save_path is not None: if os.path.isfile(save_path): os.remove(save_path) plt.savefig(save_path) return bn_val, max_valdef channel_prune(ori_model, example_inputs, output_transform, pruned_prob=0.3, thres=None, rules=1): model = copy.deepcopy(ori_model) model.cpu().eval() prunable_module_type = (nn.BatchNorm2d) ignore_idx = [] #[230, 260, 290] prunable_modules = [] for i, m in enumerate(model.modules()): if i in ignore_idx: continue if isinstance(m, nn.Upsample): continue if isinstance(m, prunable_module_type): prunable_modules.append(m) ori_size = tp.utils.count_params(model) DG = tp.DependencyGraph().build_dependency(model, example_inputs=example_inputs, output_transform=output_transform) bn_val, max_val = bn_analyze(prunable_modules, "render_img/before_pruning.jpg") if thres is None: thres_pos = int(pruned_prob * len(bn_val)) thres_pos = min(thres_pos, len(bn_val)-1) thres_pos = max(thres_pos, 0) thres = bn_val[thres_pos] print("Min val is %f, Max val is %f, Thres is %f" % (bn_val[0], bn_val[-1], thres)) for layer_to_prune in prunable_modules: # select a layer weight = layer_to_prune.weight.data.detach().cpu().numpy() if isinstance(layer_to_prune, nn.Conv2d): if layer_to_prune.groups > 1: prune_fn = tp.prune_group_conv else: prune_fn = tp.prune_conv L1_norm = np.sum(np.abs(weight), axis=(1, 2, 3)) elif isinstance(layer_to_prune, nn.BatchNorm2d): prune_fn = tp.prune_batchnorm L1_norm = np.abs(weight) pos = np.array([i for i in range(len(L1_norm))]) pruned_idx_mask = L1_norm < thres prun_index = pos[pruned_idx_mask].tolist() if rules != 1: prune_channel_nums = len(L1_norm) - max(rules, int((len(L1_norm) - pruned_idx_mask.sum())/rules + 0.5)*rules) _, index = torch.topk(torch.tensor(L1_norm), prune_channel_nums, largest=False) prun_index = index.numpy().tolist() if len(prun_index) == len(L1_norm): del prun_index[np.argmax(L1_norm)] plan = DG.get_pruning_plan(layer_to_prune, prune_fn, prun_index) plan.exec() bn_analyze(prunable_modules, "render_img/after_pruning.jpg") with torch.no_grad(): out = model(example_inputs) if output_transform: out = output_transform(out) print(" Params: %s => %s" % (ori_size, tp.utils.count_params(model))) if isinstance(out, (list, tuple)): for o in out: print(" Output: ", o.shape) else: print(" Output: ", out.shape) print("------------------------------------------------------\n") return modelif __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--cfg", default="models/yolov5s_voc.yaml", type=str, help="*.cfg path") parser.add_argument("--weights", default="runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/last.pt", type=str, help="*.data path") parser.add_argument("--save-dir", default="runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights", type=str, help="*.data path") parser.add_argument("-r", "--rate", default=1, type=int, help="通道数为rate的倍数") parser.add_argument("-p", "--prob", default=0.5, type=float, help="pruning prob") parser.add_argument("-t", "--thres", default=0, type=float, help="pruning thres") opt = parser.parse_args() cfg = opt.cfg weights = opt.weights save_dir = opt.save_dir device = torch.device("cpu") model, names = load_model(cfg, weights) example_inputs = torch.zeros((1, 3, 64, 64), dtype=torch.float32).to() output_transform = None # for prob in [0, 0.01, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]: if opt.thres != 0: thres = opt.thres prob = "p.auto" else: thres = None prob = opt.prob pruned_model = channel_prune(model, example_inputs=example_inputs, output_transform=output_transform, pruned_prob=prob, thres=thres,rules=opt.rate) pruned_model.model[-1].export = False pruned_model.names = names save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "pruned_"+str(prob).split(".")[-1] + ".pt") print(pruned_model) torch.save({"model": pruned_model.module if hasattr(pruned_model, "module") else pruned_model}, save_path)
可以按比例剪枝, 如剪枝比例0.5:
python prune.py --cfg models/yolov5s_voc.yaml --weights runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/last.pt --save-dir runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/ --prob 0.5
python prune.py --cfg models/yolov5s_voc.yaml --weights runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/last.pt --save-dir runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/ --thres 0.01
python prune.py --cfg models/yolov5s_voc.yaml --weights runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/last.pt --save-dir runs/exp7_sl-2e-3-yolov5s/weights/ --thres 0.01 --rate 8