
The 12th Jiangsu Horticulture Expo opened Wednesday in Lianyungang city. The one-month-long Horticultural Expo will focus on creating distinctive highlights such as Cultural Horticulture Expo, Health Horticulture Expo, Low Carbon Horticulture Expo, and Colorful Horticulture Expo.

This year"s Horticulture Expo is divided into three major areas, with a total of 20 exhibition gardens, including 13 urban exhibition gardens, 3 designer gardens, and 4 specialized gardens for saline alkali soil greening, medicinal plants, flower bonsai, and hygrophytes.

Through organic display of architectural elements, plant landscapes, and garden layouts, the Horticulture Expo forms a garden landscape with regional cultural characteristics. The new cultural and tourism consumption scenes of "technological sense" and "cultural flavor" that can be seen everywhere also bring visitors a unique gaming experience.

"Each exhibition hall has many unique features. In the intangible cultural heritage museum, there are excellent masters showcasing their skills, as well as stage performances, leisure and entertainment, enriching our cultural life," said a local resident.

"This horticultural exposition responds to the theme of healthy China, ‘the Belt and Road’ and green development, pays attention to the development of the industry brought by urban culture, so as to create a garden with distinctive characteristics of the times, good regional interaction and broad benefits," said Liu Xiaozhao, Chief Engineer of Jiangsu Planning and Design Group Landscape Design Institute.
